Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Birth Story Part 2 & 3


Newborn exam weight = 7#5oz Length= 21” We didn't do eye ointment or the Vitamin K shot. (Vit. K shot is routine in hospitals, yet there are risks to baby receiving the shot) From the newborn exam we could tell her head didn't come through the birth canal perfectly straight. Having a hand by her face threw the angle of the head off & made the diameter of her head bigger - another Ouch! & yet at least it gives me reassurance I can push out a bigger baby. LOL As she sleeps she always has a hand or both hands by her face. I hear this is more common in girls.

I'm so proud of Andrew for how he jumped straight into the responsibilities of fatherhood! With no previous experience, he helped weigh her, put on her 1st diaper & dressed her. His strength, support and prayers through it all, helped get me through it as well as I did.

Becky gave us a placenta lesson. My placenta was unique. As a midwife I thought it was cool! Velamentous & battledore. An other good reason I wasn't in the hospital. Drs often pull too hard on the cord. If they'd done this to me, they could have popped the cord off, leaving the placenta inside! Because if my unique placenta, aggressive pulling would have lead to more intervention. Yet again the patience of midwifery allowed me to avoid any such drama.

Several hours later after the vital signs were taken to make sure we both were recovering well, the paperwork was signed & postpartum instructions given, the birth team left. We were blessed to be at my parent's. My mom took good care of us. She stayed busy bustling around changing sheets, feeding us etc. Then watched baby girl so we could sleep. What a blessing she was! We had asked Mom to start the prayer chain when we went into labor. Mom shared who she was able to get in touch with before & after the birth. It was reassuring to know people had been praying & would continue to pray for our recovery.

We are so grateful to all involved! A thank you doesn't even come close!
Praise the Lord!

Part 3
Throughout the pregnancy I prayed & believed for a quick labor. Also doing my part in preparing my body for an easier birth experience. Even though I wanted it to be as easy as possible I was willing to go through a harder time or circumstances within the labor to be a better midwife. Also to be able to empathize with the woman I had cared for as a midwife. I prayed that whatever God allowed I could be an example to others- asking the Lord to allow the labor & birth to happen in such a way to encourage others, but most of all, that He would be glorified! We wanted our story to be a testimony of what the Lord can do!

Labor was easier then I thought it would be, but don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy! It was very intense! Pushing was harder for me than labor. It was not fun. I thought I would be so concentrated on pushing that I wouldn't feel the contractions in the same way.

And yet I was surprised how quickly birth amnesia set in... before the birth team left the house I felt I could do that again! I few days later Andrew & I were talking about siblings for DD!

Even though I feel words can not describe the joys of motherhood... I'll attempt with the inadequate English language to say a few words about our birthing experience. It was amazing, beautiful, bonding, thrilling and joyful. It was a rite of passage into motherhood. I feel stronger; confidant and excited for future birth experiences. (The only thing I would change is getting on the road sooner. We plan to stay put for the next birth) I loved being pregnant & giving birth! I can't wait for our next one!

We wanted to enjoy the babymoon period so we didn't have guests for a week. I thought we would be individually falling more in love with our daughter during this time. My love & emotion for Andrew was like falling in love with him all over again! That aspect surprised me. I feel like the birth and parenthood has drawn Andrew & I closer in a way I never imagined.

It was surreal until my milk came in w/the hormones that made me cry. Now I get overwhelming waves of love that make me want to start crying, kiss & hug her, or just sit & stare at her.

Even after she falls asleep in my arms I think I should put her down, so I can get something done... but I don't. I just keep holding her. Cherishing every moment. Drinking in her fresh baby smell. Storing up memories 'cause I know this newborn stage is so short. (she gained weight so fast, I didn't realize how short.) Then when I do put her down I miss her, yearning to hold her close.

Timeline 3/14/11 Monday
12:30am SROM
2:30 got up
5:35 1st ctx
6:10 called Grandam Day to give them a heads up we were coming
7 regular ctx 3-4x 60 Vocalizing
7:50 in car
8am Called Robyn
9:50 8cm/+2 hurry to Day's
10:40am Arrived at Days
~11 Robyn arrived
12:48 pushing
1:15pm head visible
3:22pm birth

1st 5hrs 48min
2nd 2hrs 34min
3rd 19min
Total = 8hrs 41min.


Emotional/spiritual factors that helped: prayer chain & page of verses to have read during labor. Actually looking fwd to the experience & not fearing it. Relying on the Lord gives the peace that is beyond our understanding!
I mentioned to Andrew “I'm really looking forward to the experience, not just looking forward to meeting Baby T, but the labor. A rite of passage into motherhood.”

Physical factors:
Eating healthy
Regular Chiropractic care
Red Raspberry Leaf tea & herbal supplements
Physical exercise – swam 1st trimester, walked & jogged up till 39wks

Believers, why do we trust the Lord in many areas of our lives, but somehow He isn't sufficient to get us through labor & the birthing process? His grace is enough!! Trust the Word of God when it says we are fearfully & wonderfully made. This is what I wrote a pregnant friend of mine. This is my prayer for mothers :
I’ve been praying you would allow the Holy Spirit to direct you to be an informed mother who understands her options by researching your choices. Allow God’s grace to be sufficient as He promises it will be!!

To God be the glory!

1 comment:

Brittany Ann said...

Amen! I know just what you mean, Crystal! And I relate so much. I sooo wish other women had the beautiful birth experience I did, and I hate that fear gets between so many and what God designed their bodies to do.

(And, yes, I, too, thought pushing was way harder, or "worse," than labor. I was trying to explain it to someone I know who had a hospital/epidural birth, and she didn't get it. But so many women I know who had natural childbirth felt the same way. Wonder why...)